Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Reason Why Older Dogs Sleep So Much

Why do senior dogs sleep more? Dogs tend to sleep more with their growing age. Daytime napping and longer night sleep are common among older dogs. Now, there are several reasons why that could be. While the gradual increase in sleep time is considered normal, sudden changes in their sleeping habits could cause concern for pet owners.

For instance, they tend to get tired quicker following exercise. They don’t have the same energy levels as the younger puppies. Hence, they are more reluctant to do things and choose to sleep more. So they need more time to recharge. Usually, older dogs sleep more than younger dogs. Still, if your senior dog is sleeping too much, it can be a significant issue.

The question that arises here is how much sleep is excessive sleep. If your older dog sleeps over 18 hours a day, it is a sign of some medical issues.   

Why do old dogs sleep so much?

Dementia in dogs

As a dog ages, you can expect its brain not to function well as it did earlier. However, the cognitive decline of a severe order, like dementia, is not normal. Still, it does happen to some dogs.

If you see that their day and night sleeping schedule has turned upside down, it could indicate that there is more to it than age. Are they aimlessly wandering, as if lost, or are they failing to respond to familiar commands?

If yes, these are signs your dog may be suffering from dementia. The noticeable signs of canine dementia are as follows

  • Progressive and increasing disorientation and confusion.
  • Inability to adapt to fresh situations.
  • A flipping of their day and night waking up and sleeping patterns.
  • Accidents at home.
  • Changes in behavior with family members.
  • An increase in the amount of affection that they want from you.
  • High levels of aggression and/or anxiety.

If you think your dog is showing any of these signs, the best thing you can do is get advice from a veterinarian.

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