Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How To Spot The Signs Of Anxiety In Dog And Comfort Them?

Dogs are the best friends of human beings – they are loyal, affectionate, caring, and stress relievers. However, your pet can also experience lows in life – anxiety is one mention. Your best buddy seems different and doesn’t enjoy playing anymore.

You went for a thorough medical check-up and found the change is due to emotional issues in your dog. The causes of stress in animals are innumerable. You must seek help from a clinical animal behaviorist to get instant support.

How To Spot The Signs Of Anxiety In Your Fur Friends And Comfort Them

Changes in the house environment, loss of a companion, recovery from major illness or surgery, the addition of a new family member, or change of place are a few common causes of stress in animals.

Let’s explore some of the major signs of stress which require more than love and compassion from you – you require therapies for your fuzzy friend. 8 Dog Stress Signs that You Always Want to Keep an Eye on Look for indications from rare to frequent in your pets to understand the unusual behavior.

Intermittent licking of lips:

When your fur buddy is constantly licking lips, there might be several reasons but, stress is one of the alarming causes to look for. Hunger pangs, severe dehydration, and attention-seeking are a few common signs that relate to lip licking.

However, repeated licking may be a major sign of discomfort or stress. Some dogs show this symptom immediately after a traumatic incident, but few show slowly only after encountering unnerving situations.

Excessive yawning:

Normal tiredness or boredom is a common reason for yawning in any living being. However, dogs yawn while dealing with stressful situations. Look for the number of times your dog yawns and at what time of the day.

For example, when you approach a new tool or toy near your pet, he/she shows reactions of discomfort, this is a pointer of anxiety.

Friday, September 22, 2023

How to Keep Your Labrador Retriever Happy and Healthy

Labradors Retrievers are the most preferred house dogs among all the cute dog breeds. Dogs are known for their unconditional love towards humans. When you are seeking a sizeable four-legged pet in your house, then Labradors are the first choice because of their fun and active nature.

These are very happy and affectionate breeds suitable for families with children. Easy to train, care and make friends with – these are some of the essential qualities of Labradors. However, when caring for your fur friend, it is necessary to understand what makes them happy.

12 Simple Ways to Keep Labrador Dogs Happy and Healthy

Here are seven ways to keep your Labrador happy and healthy

1. Grooming:

Labradors are a categorically hairy breed and call for a certain amount of maintenance. Brushing off the shags not only ensures untangled appearance but will also reduce the shedding during autumn and spring. Brush using a special dog comb. It will make them happy and show attachment to the owner.

Dogs appreciate this kind of gesture. Gentle but continuous brushing keeps the dog groomed as it stimulates the natural oils from the skin, brings luster to the coat, and stimulates blood circulation.

2. Activity:


Labradors love outdoor activities. It is, therefore, significant to plan their walks, exercise, playtimes, and physical actions to keep their energy levels high.

It becomes easier for large dogs to gain weight due to a sedentary lifestyle that leads to dangerous health problems. You can plan a dog walk in addition to one hour of exercise daily.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

How to Use Food & Treats in Dog Training

In offices, employees get incentives for their performance. Human incentives are in the form of cash or goodies. The good thing about humans is that they can choose what to do with the reward or incentive. However, the dogs can’t spend the rewards of their own will.

When the trainers give them food treats as incentives to train them, the dogs get obese or overweight as they overdo it. So, when the owners spend their money on the fitness training of their dogs, their dogs mostly lose fitness.

Use of food and treats by the trainers to bribe, lure

Easy to use and handy, food treats are a usual tool in training sessions. Dog trainers use the food treat primarily as lures. It makes the task easy for the trainers. The trainers lure the dogs with food or treats to perform their training. Hence, the dogs become habituated to these bribes.

Dogs don’t understand that these lures are causing damage to their health in the long run. They fall into the trap of trainers. Dogs keep accepting the delicious food as treats that the trainers offer them. After a certain period, they don’t feel like training unless they get food.

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Some secret tips to help your dog live longer

It is significant to have a diet plan. If your dog is overweight, it would be detrimental to its overall health and well-being. So, in case your dog is overweight, you should think about getting the dog on a diet.

Now, you may be wondering how to find out if your baby is fat or not. Please remember that every dog has an ideal weight depending on the breed they belong to.

So, if your dog is 10 or 20% heavier than that number, you should know that they are overweight. However, getting your dog does not mean you cut off meat from their diet and force them to eat only vegetables.

Your aim should be to achieve a balance. Try cooking healthy meals rather than feeding canned food.
9 Ways to Help Your Dog Live Longer
#1 Get them to do some workouts

Exercising is yet another way to ensure that they do not become overweight. The thing is that this is not so hard to achieve. All you have to do is let them walk or run outdoors every day for a couple of hours.

Walking is proven to help reduce weight and slows down the aging process. Doing so would please your dog as you are spending time with them.
#2 Check Dog’s health on a regular basis

Some diseases do come with symptoms. You can notice them by watching the way your dog behaves. However, in some cases, the symptoms stay hidden in their bodies. Of course, your baby would not be able to tell how they are feeling inside.

The only way you can verify this is by getting them checked regularly by a vet. This way, you would be able to find out the problems they may be suffering from within their body.

#3 Do not give them food that can be harmful

In some cases, pet parents treat their dogs with what they eat. This is something they must not do. Because some kinds of food considered good for humans are harmful to dogs.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

10 Most Athletic Dog Breeds in the World (with Pictures)

Dogs are fun and thus make a great companion. It is crucial for you to choose the right dog breed. If you own a dog high on energy and enthusiasm, it will be a great experience.

If you want to boost your athletic lifestyle, you can consider the most athletic dog breeds. Athletic dogs make great workout buddies. They can be a good companion to exploring outdoors. So, let’s find out the most popular athletic dog breeds.
10 Most Athletic Dog Breeds
#1 Dalmatians

There is a good reason why firefighters have Dalmatians in the station. They are loyal, obedient, and industrious. As far as faithful companions go, it does not get any better than them.

They are employed regularly in in-service work and enjoy it when they can stay busy outdoors. They are smart and can be engaged with various mental activities such as puzzles to remain happy. They are usually great with kids too.

However, since they are overtly active, it is better to watch them when they are with small children.
#2 Greyhounds

They are said to be the fastest of their kind on the planet. Greyhounds are estimated to run as fast as 45 mph (miles per hour). Their endurance is impressive as well. They have a natural inclination to chase prey.