Wednesday, February 28, 2024

7 Essential Benefits of Cracked Raw Egg over Dog Food

As the human parent of a fluffy four-legged fur baby, you always want the best for them no matter what, and that includes their nutrition. Nutrition is a significant part of the same and is a reason why dog parents are always looking for the best ways to provide nutrition to their little ones. One of the easiest ways to provide them with the necessary nutrition is to feed them a cracked raw egg over dog food – it gives them the extra nutrients such as vitamins and proteins they need. However, this does not mean that this act does not carry any risk with it.


Eggs are an exceptional source of protein

One egg has seven grams of protein. Thus, it is one of the densest foods as far as protein sources are concerned. They have a high biological value as well. This implies that the protein that you get in eggs can be absorbed easily by your dog’s body.

You do not get this in foods with low biological value. Dogs are omnivores and need a diet rich in protein. This nutrient provides your dog energy, helps build muscles and repair them, and strengthens their immune systems.

A cracked raw egg over dog food also helps with their growth, regeneration of skin cells, and hormone production – all these are important for your dog’s continued well-being.
Eggs have the necessary fatty acids

By itself, your dog’s body can’t produce the fatty acids that it needs, and this is why, they must get them from what they eat. Dogs require both Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids. However, most dog foods sold commercially only contain high levels of the former.

This is why, a lot of vets recommend feeding dogs Omega-3 supplements. When you add a cracked raw egg over dog food, you get an easy way to ensure that they consume balanced amounts of both fatty acids. You can always get supplements from stores, but they will contain fish oil, canola oil, corn oil, or flaxseed oil.

Free-range eggs have higher levels of Omega-3s since most farmers feed flaxseed to their hens. These essential fatty acids make it easier for your dog to combat infection and recover better from injuries. They also assist them in dealing with skin issues and make sure they have a healthy coat.
Eggs have the necessary amino acids

Your dog needs to have sufficient protein in their food, but the amino acids that make up the protein in their food are even more important than that. There are 20 amino acids, but your dog’s body can produce only half of them. The other 10 are referred to as essential amino acids, and your dog must get them from their food.

The thing is that not all sources of protein contain the amino acids that your dog needs. The commercial food you get for your dog lists all the protein it contains.

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Monday, February 26, 2024

The Best Pit Bull Diet: How to Properly Feed Them

 With most products going on sale during this season, you are bound to discover great deals on dog food. But how do you ensure that the pet food brand you choose has your dog’s interest at heart?

It is no secret that most pet food companies are all about sales. So it is up to you, the pet parent, to be vigilant about what ingredients go into your dog’s meal. When it comes to an adult or puppy Pitbull, the stakes are definitely higher.

How to Properly Feed The Pit Bull?

So what is the best Pitbull diet in the world?

Pitbulls are large muscular dog breeds with high energy levels. Their diet will be a lot different from that of toy breeds or low-energy breeds. You must map out your bully’s diet right from when they are puppies.

A healthy diet that is filled with nutrients not only makes your puppy Pitbull stronger but also protects them from common health issues that face dogs on poor diets.

Without further ado, here is what you need to know before planning your red nose or blue nose pit bull’s diet.

Things to consider when planning your Pitbull’s diet

Whether you are buying commercial dog food or formulating a homemade diet for your puppy Pitbull, these are the rules you should always follow.


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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Best Dog Food Brands in The World

We call dogs the best friends of human beings because of how loyal they are to us as companions. The minimum we can do to reward such loyalty is proper food. Getting food that measures our love for our fur balls is not always possible.

The dog food industry has come a long way in gaining the recognition and trust of pet lovers. Now you can find dog food of the highest quality at the best prices across the USA (United States of America).

PetKind pet food

Vet Recommended Dog Food Brands 2022

#1 Chippin 

Chippin pet food

It consists of silver carp fishes caught in the wild and used as dog food. The nature of this product’s origin makes sure it contains nothing but natural ingredients. These fishes are rich in Omega 1, the best ingredient you can get for your dog.

It is combined with foods healthy for their guts and thus favored by dogs, such as pumpkin, flaxseeds, oats, and spinach. It helps that the food from Chippin is anti-allergenic and baked in ovens.

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Monday, February 19, 2024

7 Signs of Worms in Your Dog’s Poop

Has your dog been acting weird lately, and have they been irritable as well? Then, you must watch out for some visible signs. In that case, there is a chance that they may be suffering from worm infection. Worms tend to cause a wide range of health issues in dogs, primarily because of how contagious they are.

You must prioritize the health of your dog the most and feed them soft and natural dog treats. You must identify these parasites at the earliest, and nip them in the bud. Here are some of the common signs that your dog has suffered a worm infestation.

You can be sure that this way you will save them and yourself a lot of trouble.

How your dog’s health is affected by worms

The way your dog’s health is affected by worm infections depends on certain factors such as their overall health condition, age, and size. It is important to note the type and number of worms that have made your dog’s body their home.

It is not as if worms live only in the intestines and stomach of your dog. You will also find them in other organs, such as their hearts, lungs, and kidneys. You must also know that not all parasites that look like worms are worms. Ringworm is a fungus rather than a worm.

There are several ways in which dogs can get worms in their intestines. Pups tend to get them from their mothers when they are being nursed or when they are in their wombs. If your dog ingests dog poop, which contains eggs of worms, they could get these worms as well.

The same is also applicable when they consume an animal that has been infected by those worms. If your dog ingests a flea that contains tapeworm larvae, they can get tapeworm. Worms can be explained as obligate parasites which derive all their nutrition from the host bodies that they inhabit.

If your dog is smaller, has a compromised immune system, or is younger they will have a higher chance of getting worms in their system than other dogs.Visible worms in fecal matter or fur

Some kinds of worms, like tapeworms, tend to appear as tiny moving segments in your dog’s fur or in the areas that surround their anus. If you see worms in your dog’s poop, it is roundworms. These worms will likely look like hard yellow specks or pieces of rice that move.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

13 Most Popular White Dog Breeds: Fluffy, Small and Large

 Did you know that there are more than a dozen dog breeds that have white coats? However, the appeal of the dogs can vary according to the preference of dog lovers.

Here are white dog breeds that you would find on the bucket list of dog lovers who have a penchant for dogs that have beautiful white coats.

13 White Dog Breeds of Every Shape, Size, and Fluff

#1 MalteseCute Maltese puppy

Maltese is the smallest dog breed among dogs with a white coat, and this breed can nicely fit into the pocket of your coat as well! The tiny figure of 10 inches weighs between 4 and 7 pounds, making it look like a miniature dog.

The dog has long hair and a silky coat that owners can maintain well by regular clipping to keep it short. In addition, the dog needs regular grooming. Brushing their coat daily is a part of their wellness routine.

#2 Samoyed

cute samoyed

The Samoyed belongs to the spitz breed and looks regal in its white coat. It covers from head to toe. The dog breed of Siberian origin has a thick, fluffy coat and belongs to medium to large dogs.

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Friday, February 9, 2024

List of Fruits and Vegetables Dogs Can Eat

Regarding a healthy diet, dogs are the same as humans. People get diabetes, heart disease, and obesity due to unhealthy eating habits. The same happens to dogs. Like people, dogs must have a nutritious, balanced diet to have the best chance of being disease free. Healthy fruits for dogs also ensure an animal has a balanced nature.

It is essential to remember that a dog living in the wild would eat raw meat that includes bone, marrow, fat, hide, and hair. Like humans, dogs are omnivores. It means they eat meat but also need to eat fruit, vegetables,  grain, and even fish.

When you think of a good diet, imagine one meal with fresh fruit. That might be good for us, but it’s not the same for our dogs. So, the question is can dogs eat fruit?

Well, fruit is not off the menu entirely – packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, it can be an excellent snack choice for our dogs. But it’s also high in sugar, so restraint is necessary for long-term weight control.

Moreover, some fruits can upset your dog’s digestive system, so it’s essential to know your stuff before you stock up on the fruit bowl.

If prepared precisely, there are some fruits that can be tasty, healthy snacks for dogs.

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Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Training Tips and Techniques for Senior Dogs

There is an old saying: You can’t train a senior dog. It’s a new trick. In reality, it is just the opposite of that saying. It is easier to teach an old dog a new trick than a new one. Old age makes a dog more attentive. Hence, dogs listen to the trainer. It gives a boost to their training sessions.

It is believed that self-control in dogs comes with age. It helps the dog to grasp the new trick much more quickly. However, as a dog owner, you must provide continuous support aided with rest or breaks to your dog because of its growing age. Proper rest stimulates their mind and develops their mental stature and agility.

Sound mind and stability in senior age make your dog healthy and happy, which is more required for their old age. These things happen under some conditions. Their health should be in good shape. It becomes a big challenge for them to cope. It’s better to consult a vet before a new training session.

Newer tricks make the bond more stable between you and your dog. A positive training session is more enjoyable and cheerful for the dog. Another added advantage is that you can train them in your place with minor adjustments.

There are some processes you should follow to do the job better.

I have included below some helpful tips for you to achieve your goal. It’s effective for new owners who have adopted an old dog. It helps them to teach the old one a new trick.

Be Patient and Understanding

Understand that senior dogs may have physical limitations or slower learning abilities. Be patient and give them extra time to understand and respond to training cues.


In case of adult dog adaptation in your house, could you give them some time to become accustomed to the area? A senior dog has some past, which makes them anxious in any fresh establishment.

Monday, February 5, 2024

17 Point Checklist for Choosing the Perfect Dog Food in 2024

Choosing the right dog Food for your beloved pet dog is essential because every dog has different nutritional needs. The pet food must be balanced, containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and other vital nutrients aiding in your pets’ proper growth and development.

To derive such nutrition, your pet dog must tolerate that particular kind or brand of Food. You can learn about that by examining your puppy’s stool, coat, and weight closely. The objective is to achieve proper body weight without extra fat, shiny coat, and well-formed stools.

This article will provide a complete checklist to help pet owners make an informed decision.

Understand Your Dog’s Unique Nutritional Requirements

The different dog authorities all over the world divide pet dogs into 7 different categories, which are inclusive of all dog breeds. These categories are:

  • Sporting- This category has been bred to aid humans in hunting, outdoor activities, walking, and playing. They require premium dry diets, well-rounded raw diets, and wholesome fresh diets.
  • Non-Sporting- As the name suggests, the non-sporting is the opposite of the sporting breeds. 18-22% of protein in whole grains is enough for them.
  • Working- These are almost professional dogs doing strenuous activities like pulling sleds and participating in rescue operations. They need a lot of strength; thus, Breed and Giant Breed formulae should be fed to them.
  • Hounds- They are trained to smell bombs, drugs, and even blood sugar levels, sometimes due to their extraordinary olfactory senses. Their nutritional needs are average due to moderate energy levels. Any adult formulae can work for them.
  • Herding- Herding, as the name suggests, was a breed of dogs trained to manage livestock, thus requiring lots of energy. Unique formulae for active or working dogs are best for them.
  • Terrier- Energetic and enthusiastic puppies they make excellent watchdogs. They can also be a part of the pest and rodent control squad. Usually, medium to small standard adult diet formulae are enough for these dogs.
  • Toy- This category comprises cute and cuddly lap dogs. Small-breed adult nutrition formulae are enough for them as they do not have much activity.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Reason Why Older Dogs Sleep So Much

Why do senior dogs sleep more? Dogs tend to sleep more with their growing age. Daytime napping and longer night sleep are common among older dogs. Now, there are several reasons why that could be. While the gradual increase in sleep time is considered normal, sudden changes in their sleeping habits could cause concern for pet owners.

For instance, they tend to get tired quicker following exercise. They don’t have the same energy levels as the younger puppies. Hence, they are more reluctant to do things and choose to sleep more. So they need more time to recharge. Usually, older dogs sleep more than younger dogs. Still, if your senior dog is sleeping too much, it can be a significant issue.

The question that arises here is how much sleep is excessive sleep. If your older dog sleeps over 18 hours a day, it is a sign of some medical issues.   

Why do old dogs sleep so much?

Dementia in dogs

As a dog ages, you can expect its brain not to function well as it did earlier. However, the cognitive decline of a severe order, like dementia, is not normal. Still, it does happen to some dogs.

If you see that their day and night sleeping schedule has turned upside down, it could indicate that there is more to it than age. Are they aimlessly wandering, as if lost, or are they failing to respond to familiar commands?

If yes, these are signs your dog may be suffering from dementia. The noticeable signs of canine dementia are as follows

  • Progressive and increasing disorientation and confusion.
  • Inability to adapt to fresh situations.
  • A flipping of their day and night waking up and sleeping patterns.
  • Accidents at home.
  • Changes in behavior with family members.
  • An increase in the amount of affection that they want from you.
  • High levels of aggression and/or anxiety.

If you think your dog is showing any of these signs, the best thing you can do is get advice from a veterinarian.

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