Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Can a Dog Find Its Way Home?

Dogs have long held a special place in our hearts as loyal companions and furry confidants. Yet, beyond their companionship, dogs possess a set of extraordinary abilities that continue to captivate our imagination.

Among these remarkable qualities is their ability to find their way home, even when lost in unfamiliar territory.

In this article, we’ll delve into the remarkable factors that enable them to navigate with precision, showcasing their extraordinary sense of smell, the role of memory and spatial awareness. We also see the scientific insights that underpin their uncanny talents.

Let’s jump in the details.

The Remarkable Sense of Smell

Dogs are well-known for their extraordinary sense of smell. They have a sensory ability that far surpasses our own. To put it into perspective, humans have approximately 5 million scent receptors in their noses, while dogs boast a staggering 300 million.

This exceptional olfactory power allows dogs to perceive and distinguish an astonishing array of scents, often imperceptible to us.

Their keen sense of smell is a crucial tool for survival. It helps them detect prey, predators, and, in our context, their way back home. Dogs can identify specific scents, follow scent trails, and even discern minute variations in odors.

When a dog ventures into unfamiliar territory or becomes separated from its owners, it will often rely on its remarkable sense of smell to navigate. They imprint scents of familiar places, including their homes and owners, deep in their memory.

But it’s not just the quantity of scent receptors that sets dogs apart; it’s their ability to process this information and make sense of it. The olfactory center in a dog’s brain is significantly larger and more developed than in humans, further enhancing their scent-detection abilities.

Read More:https://dogexpress.in/effective-shock-collar-training-tips-and-tricks-for-success/

Friday, October 27, 2023

Effective Shock Collar Training: Tips and Tricks for Success

So you’re considering a dog training shock collar to help train your doggo – I feel you! There are definitely some behaviors that are just stubborn as heck to crack without a little negative reinforcement. But dog shock collars are controversial for a good reason. In the wrong hands, they can do more harm than good! 

As a professional dog trainer and collar user, let me walk you through how to introduce e-collars correctly. There’s a method to maximizing effectiveness while avoiding trauma or confusion. Apply these best practices, and you and Fido will be on your way to success!

Pick the Right Collar

Not all shock collars are created equal! Cheap ones often have inconsistent stimulation and poor electronics. Invest in a quality collar with adjustable intensity to find the right “working level” for your pup. Also, ensure it has both tone and vibration modes for initial training. 

Additionally, make sure to choose a collar specifically sized for your dog to get proper skin contact. Measure around their neck, add an inch or two for adjustments, and consult sizing guides. Improper fit impedes performance.

Introduce it Properly  

Just strapping on a shock collar and zapping away will end badly! Proper introduction and conditioning are critical. Here’s how to acclimate your dog to the collar:

  • Let them investigate and sniff it to build comfort. Pair with treats!
  • Place the collar snugly on their neck for short sessions around the house to get used to wearing it. 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Train Your Dog To Be A Food Lover And Not Become Food Aggressive

You love your pets, and the best way to show affection is to spoil them a little. One of the best gestures is treating your fur friends with their favorite food. However, good behavior gets appreciation. On the contrary, any extreme action by your dog needs immediate attention.

Dogs have a special connection with their food. Hence, this makes them natural guards of their bowls.

Showing excitement while receiving treats or during mealtime is normal for any dog. But any violent action requires proper training of the pup. Gobbling the food fast, hiding and eating, running away from the bowl, glaring, muscle stiffness, and warning growl are examples of mild possessiveness towards food.

Observe the degree of possessiveness 

The foremost step to identify the behavior is plain observation. Look at your pup’s liking towards food, or does it extend to toys, sleeping areas, blankets, and even people. If the insecurity is for food, you must take stringent steps to convey that it is okay to guard the food but, aggressive behavior is unacceptable.

You must instill the leadership nature over the pet. Remember, you are the pack leader. Try using calm and assertive ways to convey this command. Use signs, voice commands, and simple tools like tapping to train your dog. Be affectionate and develop and bond with the animal rather than showing aggression yourself and losing patience.

When the dog exhibits greed with their food, the situation requires training. Food aggression is a self-guarding method when the animals show defensive behavior while eating. The dog may show violent behavior towards human beings, other animals, or both. There are three levels of food possessiveness in dogs:

  • Mild aggression includes growls and showing of teeth and fierce eyes in defense.
  • Moderate aggression is when the animal lunges and snaps to approach anyone nearby.
  • Severe aggression is when the dog attacks and bites.

For the first two scenarios, you cannot use simple measures. You can get the answer on how to train a food-possessive dog? But if your dog is violent and tends to harm others, seeking professional help is the smart move.

Read More:https://dogexpress.in/train-your-dog-to-be-a-food-lover-and-not-become-food-aggressive/

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Reasons to Adopt a Greyhound

Greyhounds are known for how exceptionally fast they are. Apart from being quick, they are obedient individuals and make great friends too. The sad thing about them is that not all of them get the chance to live in homes with great human parents. This blog post will discuss why you should adopt a greyhound dog.

Some of them have to live at foster homes where they have to wait for families that would come, adopt them, and give them a place they can call home.

Thankfully, more families are now showing an interest in having them as pets because of their friendly, compassionate, and loving nature.

8 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Greyhound

1. Greyhounds are great for people living in a small space 

Yes, if you are looking for reasons to adopt a Greyhound, it is probably the first reason to take into consideration. They are reputed to be speedy around the track, but the thing is that they do not need a lot of space to be at ease. They will be satisfied if they get even a smidgen of space where they can work out.

They are happy when they go jogging but merrier when relaxing on the couch. Undoubtedly, greyhounds are perfect pets for people living in cities and other urban areas with less room for dogs high on energy.

Read More:https://dogexpress.in/reasons-to-adopt-a-greyhound/

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How To Walk Two Dogs At The Same Time?

How To Walk Two Dogs At The Same Time

If you are a dog parent, you must have faced situations where your dog ended up eating something they were not supposed to. You may find traces of such prohibited substances in the trash, underneath your kitchen table, or in a place where your little one can sneak into.

No matter where you do, finding such scraps unsettles you for sure as a dog parent. So, what do you do when your little one consumes something that could be potentially dangerous for them? This is why we have devised some steps you can adhere to in these situations.

Knowing if your dogs are suitable for such walks 

You should know if your dogs are good candidates to be walked together or not. For example, if one of your dogs is reactive and lunges or barks at other dogs, it can be risky to add another dog to the mix. The second dog may feed off the emotions of the first.

Apart from that, they could also get in a fight because of redirected aggression. If one of your dogs is anxious, you should not add another to the mix as the second dog could become anxious too, thus making it risky for all of you.

Read More:https://dogexpress.in/how-to-walk-two-dogs-at-the-same-time/

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Ways to Increase the Lifespan of a French Bulldog

The significance of proper oral care can’t be ignored as far as increasing the lifespan of your French bulldog is concerned. The teeth of your Frenchie have to be clean. Are you feeding your baby the ideal diet, such as raw bones with plenty of meat?

In that case, oral hygiene should never be a problem for them. However, when feeding them something else, such as kibble, it is essential to brush their teeth at least once a week, if not every day. Dental hygiene is an absolute must. Now you may be wondering why this is so important for your baby.

Well, if your dog is three years or older, they have an 85% chance of getting some gum disease or the other. It happens because bacteria build up in their teeth over the years and can cause diseases such as gingivitis in their oral cavities.

Also, if their gums are bleeding, harmful toxins such as bacteria would enter their bodies and affect other organs. It is especially true for the Frenchies who are getting on in years. With proper oral care, you can easily add a couple of years to their usual lifespan.
Getting them on a diet of raw food

You must never feed them processed dog food sold commercially. Most of such food – referred to as kibble – is far inferior protein sources. These proteins are just fillers. So, always look at the list of ingredients used to make the product.

If you see a lot of corn, soy, wheat, or white rice, it is time you switched to food more appropriate for canines. You can do a little test if you want to.

Just take the food you are feeding your dog and soak it in a bowl that contains water. Let it be in such a condition for around 15 to 20 minutes. If you see it becoming spongy and blowing up, you can be sure that there is no meat in your dog’s diet. It is just cereal.

Experts recommend that you feed raw meat to your French bulldog or any other raw food diet. The first preference, in this case, is always bones and protein of the highest quality. If you are not at ease with preparing raw food on your own, you can get raw food that is available commercially.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

8 Most Poisonous Foods For Dogs

When you think of foods that can be toxic for dogs, the first category that comes to mind is foods like sugars, salt, and fats. You would probably start to panic because you may have been feeding your dog all of this.

The thing with human food is that it contains these elements than what a dog’s body is habituated to. For instance, salt is a common ingredient in most recipes savored by us. However, salt cause electrolyte imbalance in dogs.

Sugar is not a natural food for dogs. Therefore, it can make them obese. Their bodies find it complicated to digest fats and protein we humans consume naturally.

Thus, dogs suffer from digestion problems, liver dysfunction, and pancreatitis. Apart from these, some foods look harmless but can be highly toxic for dogs. Better to research what you are feeding your dog on a smartphone before you do so.

Toxic food for the dogs

1. Raw eggs

Eggs are rich in protein, and if you cook them well, they can be beneficial for their digestive system and coat. However, raw eggs will not be beneficial to dogs. It can be poisonous for them.

The main reason for such a statement is that raw eggs can lead to biotin deficiency in their systems. They have an enzyme referred to as avidin. It stops the body of your dog from absorbing biotin properly. Biotin is a B vitamin.

Indeed, dogs do not commonly suffer from biotin deficiency. However, there is still a chance it may happen if you continue feeding them raw eggs.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Reasons Why a Dog Barks at Night

The Reasons Why a Dog Barks at Night

  • they are startled
  • they want to play
  • they could be stressed
  • they may be suffering from separation anxiety
  • it could be an aggressive or reactive response
  • they could be bored and frustrated

So, if your dog is barking in the middle of the night, it could be because they are feeling anxious or excited. In most cases, this happens because they have heard something.

Since dogs are great at hearing sounds, pet parents sometimes fail to understand what has set their baby off. In some cases, they may even think that their dog is barking without any reason at all.

Why do dogs bark at night even when nothing seems to happen?

As we have said, if a dog is barking in the middle of the night, it could be because they have heard some sound that has them all excited. As you would have seen above, there could be plenty of reasons why they are barking in the middle of the night, but the most prominent one is that they have been startled by a sound.

Perhaps the sound they heard is making them feel nervous or threatened. Several sources from which such sound may emanate tend to be significantly various. It could be an animal outside their homes like cats or a wild animal like a raccoon. The sound of wind in the trees could be a source as it may be a car driven outside the home. They may also bark when your neighbors come to or leave their homes.

Read More:https://dogexpress.in/the-reasons-why-a-dog-barks-at-night/