Dogs are the best friends of human beings – they are loyal, affectionate, caring, and stress relievers. However, your pet can also experience lows in life – anxiety is one mention. Your best buddy seems different and doesn’t enjoy playing anymore.
You went for a thorough medical check-up and found the change is due to emotional issues in your dog. The causes of stress in animals are innumerable. You must seek help from a clinical animal behaviorist to get instant support.
Changes in the house environment, loss of a companion, recovery from major illness or surgery, the addition of a new family member, or change of place are a few common causes of stress in animals.
Let’s explore some of the major signs of stress which require more than love and compassion from you – you require therapies for your fuzzy friend. 8 Dog Stress Signs that You Always Want to Keep an Eye on Look for indications from rare to frequent in your pets to understand the unusual behavior.
Intermittent licking of lips:
When your fur buddy is constantly licking lips, there might be several reasons but, stress is one of the alarming causes to look for. Hunger pangs, severe dehydration, and attention-seeking are a few common signs that relate to lip licking.
However, repeated licking may be a major sign of discomfort or stress. Some dogs show this symptom immediately after a traumatic incident, but few show slowly only after encountering unnerving situations.
Excessive yawning:
Normal tiredness or boredom is a common reason for yawning in any living being. However, dogs yawn while dealing with stressful situations. Look for the number of times your dog yawns and at what time of the day.
For example, when you approach a new tool or toy near your pet, he/she shows reactions of discomfort, this is a pointer of anxiety.