Wednesday, September 2, 2020

5 Basic Commands You Should Teach To Rottweiler

Rottweilers are some of the best working Dog breeds india, they are naturally protective, extremely trainable, and they love to do any kind of task that you throw their way, be it fetching a ball, or even protecting your loved ones. They never shy away from responsibility. But what most people do not realize is that they can also be sweet, affectionate, and playful family dogs - yes you heard that right. There is a reason why Rottweilers are one of the best Dog breeds in India. And if you are one of the proud owners of them, then you are in luck because in this article you would get to know 5 basic and yet crucial commands that your rottweiler must know.

Rottweiler Dog Breed Profile | Petfinder

1. Sit 

This command is the first one that you must teach your furry friend. It is important that your dog learns this command because it sets the pattern of how he or she will respond to the overall training. Always use a treat that is motivating for your puppy and make sure to reward them with affection when they listen to you. You can give them boiled chicken or any readymade treats that are available in the market. 

2. Stay

This is a great command that works wonderfully when you pair it up with the sitcommand. You can use this command when you want your puppy to stay in one place, you also could give them this command when you have guests over at your place or even when you take them out on a walk and you need them to stay still for some time. However, dont expect them to stay in one place for more than 10 minutes unless your friend is exceptionally patient. 

3. Off

The Off command is used to stop your dog from jumping or attacking someone. This is the most important command that you must teach your puppy before he or she grows up because Rottweilers can be quite aggressive and if you have no control over them then the situation could turn into a disaster. This command is heavily used by pet owners when their pet gets excited when seeing new guests and pounces on them.

4. Come

The Comecommand has the potential to save your dog's life, it is absolutely necessary that you teach them this command. Even if you pay are paying a lot of attention to your pet, it is inevitable that they might one day step out of the home or out on the streets without your permission. This command can save them from the traffic, neighbors, and even with encounters with other dogs. 

5. Down

This command is a very practical one that is great for all dog owners to master. The downcommand is very important especially for large dogs. If your friend is relaxed and comfortable in public places then it is a great thing because you can trust him or her around strangers and even other dogs.